Our fees at a glance

Fee type Fee amount
Changes you make online in your AXA Account £0
Changes we make on your behalf, including those over the phone, for AXA Premier and AXA Safe policies £0
Changes we make on your behalf, including those over the phone, where your policy is purchased or renewed before 26 April 2023 £10
Changes we make on your behalf, including those over the phone, where your policy is purchased or renewed after 26 April 2023 £17
Cancellation fee (when cancelling before your policy starts, or within 14 days of it starting) £0
Cancellation fee (when cancelling more than 14 days after your policy starts) £30
Cancelling your renewal £0
Late payment fee £15
Debt collection fee (if your policy falls into arrears and is sent to a debt collection agency) £25

You can find more information on our fees in your policy wording – log in to your AXA Account and head to the ‘Documents’ section.

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