Turning customers into brand advocates

Customer matters

4 July 2018

Your customers could be your most powerful brand advocates. Here’s why.

capturing customer loyalty
The small business guide to building customer loyalty

Customer matters

15 January 2024

With shoppers switching brands to get the best deals, maintaining customer loyalty can be tough. Here's AXA's guide to grabbing and keeping their attention.

Abigail Butler, AXA Customer, shampooing a client's hair
How to get good salon reviews

Customer matters

7 September 2022

Recommendations are a powerful marketing tool. Find out how to get good ones.

How to deal with customer complaints

Customer matters

27 February 2020

Find out how to respond to unhappy customers and deal with customer complaints.

Independent shops: heroes of the high street?

Customer matters

14 October 2018

The UK high street is more tempestuous than ever but could independent shops ride out the storm?

Grocers: encourage customers to go local

Customer matters

13 March 2017

How to keep customers coming back to local stores

capitalise on christmas rush
How Small Businesses Make Christmas Happen

Customer matters

9 December 2016

A look at some of the ways small businesses really make Christmas happen.

How to be firm but fair when it comes to getting paid

Customer matters

18 July 2016

Chasing late-paying clients is an awkward part of being a freelancer, so here's AXA's guide to being firm but fair when it comes to getting paid on time.

How to keep your customers loyal

Customer matters

18 July 2016

We explain how to make sure your customers keep coming back for more

How to take a holiday as a sole trader or retailer

Customer matters

19 June 2016

Here's how to take a break without worrying about your business suffering.

How to set clear payment terms

Customer matters

4 May 2016

Take a look at our tips on making sure you receive prompt payment for your work

A nation of Jack of All Trades?

Customer matters

17 February 2016

We look at DIY disasters and ask if some jobs are best left to the professionals