How to value your small business: a guide
There are two things every good business owner should know: the price of everything and the value of their time. But when you’re busy sowing the seeds of hard work, how can you assess the value of the fruits of your labour?
A good place to start is valuing your business.
Not only can this provide a clearer picture of your business’s financial health, it can also give a useful steer on whether you should keep calm and carry on or change tact to make the most of your business’s potential and increase those all-important profit margins.
So, whether you’re thinking of selling up and moving on to pastures new or looking to secure funding to help your business grow, here’s AXA’s step-by-step guide on how to value your small business.

What is a business valuation?
Business valuations help people understand the real value of a business. There are several different methods that can be used to calculate a business’s monetary worth and usually a combination of methods is used to give a clearer picture.
It’s important that a valuation be accurate and that the value of a business not be over or under sold as critical decisions may be made based on this valuation. While they’ll be explored in more depth later in this article, here are a few of the methods that can be used to evaluate a business:
Discounted cash flow
Comparable analysis
Precedent transaction method
Industry best-practice
Entry valuation
Asset valuation
Times revenue method
Price/earnings ratio

Why value a business?
Carrying out a valuation of your business is a great way to examine the financial health and moneymaking potential of your business. As well as this, there are plenty of other benefits that come part and parcel with valuing your business:
- It helps put a concrete price tag on your business, which is useful if you’re selling your business or succession planning.
- If you’re looking to secure additional funding for your business, it can provide investors with a realistic estimate of the value of your business.
- It can give you a clearer overview of the financial health of your business, which can help you to pinpoint underperforming areas and focus on the approaches that are working well.
- If your staff want to buy or sell shares in your business, valuing your business can help you set a fair price.
Valuing your business isn’t just about offering a snapshot of the profit and loss of your business, it can give a detailed overview of your company’s chances of sustainability over a prolonged period of time, so it’s definitely something that you should consider.

What affects the value of a business?
There are loads of factors that can impact the value of your business, including the situation leading to the valuation – for example, a voluntary sale versus a forced one – the age of your business, and the current and future profitability of your business assets. Below are some key areas to take into consideration before you start tallying up the total value of your business.
If you or your management team have a strong record of steering the business in a successful direction, then this this can have a positive impact on your business’ value. And if you have a band of loyal, experienced staff who are likely to stick with your business through thick and thin, this can cause your business’ value to rise too. It’s also a good idea to consider how much the success and longevity of your business depends on your skillset. If you think your business would sink without your captainship, this can prove risky and cause your business value to slump.
Financial record
If you’re hoping for a favourable business valuation it’s important that your business’s finances add up as they should. Detailed records showing how you’ve business managed costs, well-evidenced past, present and future cashflow and profit projections, and the level of debt you’re currently in can all have an impact on your business valuation.
Intangible assets
Your business’ intangible assets play an important role in its overall value. From your company’s growth potential and reputation, to trademarks, intellectual property and the strength and profitability of your company’s relationship with customers and clients, each has an accumulative impact on your business valuation.
The market your business operates in
The general condition of the economy, including interest rate levels and the overall demand of your business’s services, can affect your business valuation. A saturated market, with many businesses like yours operating in the same space, can devalue your business, while a large number of people expressing interest in the sale of your business can push the price up.
Tangible assets
The physical assets that you’ve acquired to help with the day-to-day running of your business can also boost your business valuation. This includes assets such as your business premises, equipment – including computers and tools – stock, and the number of clients and customer you have.

How do you value a business?
Now that you know what can cause the value of your business to rise and fall, it’s time to examine the steps you can take to get an accurate understanding of the value of your business.
There’s no one fixed way of working out the value of your business, it’s more a case of testing out which options sits best with you. Some of these methods may only be available to public companies while others will be best for privately owned businesses, soe methods only calculate a present value while other may allow you to predict value in the future as well. So, read through to determine what’s the best for you.
But always remember: the true value of your business is how much someone is willing to pay for it.
The discounted cash flow method is one of the trickiest ways of valuing a business.
This is an income-based approach to business valuation that’s focused on working out what a future stream of cash flow is worth today. It tends to be used by established businesses who project stable, predictable cash flows for the years ahead.
To work out the present value of future cash flow, you apply a discount interest rate to cover any risk (such as unexpected costs or bills) and the time value of money. The time value of money is the idea that £1 earned today will be worth more than £1 gained tomorrow due to its earning potential.
This method of valuation is most often used when seeking investment and allows potential investors to forecast whether or not a business could pay them back within the desired timeframe. To get this estimation, you look at the projected forecast over the repayment period and take off the discount rate.
In the end, if the calculated amount is higher than the initial investment, then it’s likely an investment worth keeping in your sights. There’s a full example of how this works in a later section, just in case that was a little bit hard to follow.
An easy but popular approach to valuing your business, the comparable analysis method involves assessing the value of businesses similar to yours. Comparable analysis gives an observable value for your own business, based on what rival or similar companies are worth at present.
In order to do this, you’ll use some of the valuation methods discussed later in this article such as the price/earnings ratio, or other methods such as enterprise value/EBITDA. You’ll use these to value a similar company and take that to be a relative valuation of your company.
However, a publicly traded company is usually worth more than a private company due to its marketability and liquidity, so if you’ve used data from a publicly traded company, you may need to apply a discount to your valuation if your business is private. Often this discount can range between 30% to 50%, but it is worth consulting a financial analyst to find out the correct rate for your industry and business.
Similar to comparable analysis, this method uses evaluation of other similar businesses to gauge what yours might be. In this case, you’ll look at businesses which were recently sold or acquired in the same industry. As these would likely include some takeover premium which accounts for the future value of the business, it’ll be particularly useful if you’re valuing in order to sell your business.
The caveat to this method is that the data goes out of date quite quickly, so you’ll have to do this regularly if you want an accurate reflection of current market conditions. Just like comparable analysis, you may also have to apply a discount to your valuation if you’re using a publicly traded company as a point of comparison for a private company.
The caveat to this method is that the data goes out of date quite quickly, so you’ll have to do this regularly if you want an accurate reflection of current market conditions. Just like comparable analysis, you may also have to apply a discount to your valuation if you’re using a publicly traded company as a point of comparison for a private company.
The industries where the selling of businesses take place frequently – such as retail, where business turnover, customer volume and outlets are key indicators of value – might have specific rules of thumb that you can use as a guide to lead you through your business valuation process.
An entry valuation framework model values a business by working out how much it would cost to establish a similar business. Essentially it’s asking ‘if my business didn’t exist, how much money would it cost to start it from scratch, right now?’
A good way to get an accurate estimate is to create a list detailing start-up costs, the price of acquiring tangible assets, employing and training staff, establishing a customer base, and developing products and services.
Once you have this costs list in place, consider how you could be as thrifty as possible when setting up. For example, you might be able to save some of your hard-earned cash if you set up your business in a cheaper location or opt for more cost-effective equipment.
After working out these savings, subtract them from your projected start-up costs. Ta-da, you’ve worked out the value of your business based on your entry valuation cost!
This would only give you the value of a business at a specific point in time and wouldn’t help with predicting the future value of a business. It may be helpful for extremely new or niche startups to use, but once you have a bit more financial history or competitors, there are more widely accepted methods to use.
Entry Valuation Cost = Projected Start-up Cost - Potential Savings
If your business has sizable assets, then an asset valuation could be an ideal way to get to grips with the overall value of your business.
There are two types of asset: tangible and intangible. Tangible assets are the physical things belonging to your business, such as your business premises, stock, land and equipment. Intangible assets are any non-physical assets, such as your business’ brand, reputation and intellectual property including copyrights and patents.
To get the Net Book Value (NBV) of your business, you subtract the costs of your business liabilities (such as debt and outstanding credit) from the total value of your tangible and intangible assets.
It’s a good idea to regularly update records of your assets so that their value takes inflation, depreciation and appreciation into consideration, to help keep your asset valuations accurate.
Often, this asset valuation method yields the lowest value for a business because it doesn’t take into account any ‘goodwill’ towards the business – a technical accountancy term that covers the difference between a company’s market value (what people are willing to pay for it) and the value of its net assets (assets minus liabilities).
The times revenue method is often used for young companies that don’t have enough earnings history to use other models. This model takes the revenue for a business, usually over the course of a year, and multiplies it by a number unique to their industry. Often this will be between 0.5 and 2 with the low numbers being used for industries that are slow growing and higher numbers for industries that are expected to expand. Consult a financial advisor to find out what the right multiplier is for your industry.
This is not the most reliable form of valuation because revenue does not always equate to profit and this method doesn’t consider the expenses of a company and its’ ability to produce a positive net income.
Relevant equations:
Times revenue valuation = revenue x industry multiplier
This valuation method compares the price of company stock to the profit a buyer can expect to make from it. Often the share prices and the earnings amounts will be an average from these numbers over the past twelve months. Your price/earning ratio may be compared with other businesses in your industry to decide if it is subpar, average, or above average.
A high P/E might indicate that a business’ stock price is high in relation to their earnings and that the business might be overvalued. In contrast, a low P/E means that the stock price is low compared to earnings and the business may be undervalued.
For larger SMEs that have gone public, this is the most widely used valuation method, however it is not possible to use for smaller businesses that are still privately owned as there won’t be stock prices available to use.
If you’re a private company, you might want to look into other ratios that could be relevant to your industry such as revenue/cost.
Relevant equations:
Price/earning ratio = share price/earnings per share
Going beyond financial formulas: Not all assets and value can be measured therefore looking at intangible assets such as logo, reputation, geographical location etc. alone is still just as important as looking at formulas alone.

What is the easiest way to value a business?
It is true that some are simpler to use than others but simple isn’t always best in this case. Ultimately, easy isn’t what you should looking for in valuing a business – accurate is the real goal. To get the best picture of a company’s value, you’d usually use a combination of the methods listed above.
Nearly any of the methods listed will help you get a good snapshot of a business’ value at a specific point in time, but only certain methods, such as DCF, can help you understand a future value. This is important to understand because which method will work best will depend on what you’re using it for. If you’re selling or merging with another business, you’ll want to ensure you’re calculating future value as well.
If you’re looking to use just one calculation to get a baseline idea before moving forward, the price/earning ratio is one of the most widely used ratios. The catch is that this is only a viable method for public companies and most small businesses will be privately owned. For private companies, the discounted cash flow method, comparable analysis, or precedent transaction will be the most widely used methods.
Example: How do you calculate the value of a business
As there’s many different methods above, we won’t do an example for every method, but we’ll showcase a few of the methods that might be the most relevant for a small business to use.
Joanne is looking to get more investment for her business and needs to show the valuation in order to attract investors. She is hoping to attract an additional £50,000 into the business so that she can expand her operations. Joanne has pitched that she will be able to repay the investors within 5 years. As the business is a niche startup with high risk, discount rate being used is 15%.
Adding up all of the discounted cash flows resulted in a value of £294,262. If we then subtract the investment value of £50,000 we get a net present value of £244,262 which indicates that there would be a positive return on investment and Joanne is likely able to keep her promise of repaying the money within the next 5 years.
Stacy wants to have an accurate business valuation so that she can better understand the financial health of her Etsy business where she sells 3D printed trinkets. She’s chosen to use the asset valuation method which also takes into account the deprecation of the equipment she uses.
Her 3D printer and her laptop are both relatively expensive and valuable assets for her side hustle, but they’re also a few years old so she felt this was the most relevant method.
The 3D printer originally cost £670 and the laptop was £590 and both will have a salvage value of £0. The expected life of a 3D printer is about 8 years and for a laptop it is 4 years.
Therefore, the 3D printer has a depreciation value per year of £83.75 (£670/8 = £83.75) and the laptop has a yearly depreciation value of £147.50 (£590/4 = £147.50).
If the printer and the laptop are each 2 years old, their adjusted value as assets are £502.50 (£670 – [£83.75x2] = £502.50) and £295 (£590 – [147.50x2] = £295) respectively.
Besides the printer and the laptop, other assets that Stacy’s side hustle business has are printer filament and existing inventory of some of her best-selling items. These are valued at £750. She also has cash specifically earmarked for this business in a savings pot which totals to £450. making her total assets £1,547 (£502.50 + £295 + £750 + 450 = £1,997.50).
Her liabilities include a premium seller subscription for Etsy and the subscription for software she uses. Together, these amount to £450 annually.
The value of Stacey’s side business is £1547.50 (£1997.50 - £450 = £1547.50). That’s not too bad for a side hustle!
Alan owns a variety store and has been building up his business for many years. He’s now looking to retire and sell the store to someone else. He’s spoken with a financial advisor and they’re going to use the times revenue valuation method and that the multiplier for their industry is 1.2.
Alen’s shop brings in £120,000 in revenue on average each year. Therefore, his calculation would look like this: £120,000 x 1.2 = £144,000. Based on this model, Alan would want to receive around £144,000 when selling his business.

How can I secure a good business valuation?
Valuing a business is as much an artform as it is a science. Thankfully, there are plenty of easy steps you can take to help secure the best business valuation possible.
Have a solid business plan
This might sound obvious but having a business plan in place which clearly outlines how you’re going to meet short-term and long-terms – and by extension, bring in those all-important profits – is a simple but effective way to show investors and buyers that your company’s potential is in good hands.
Get your finances in order
The last thing you want is a poor record of your business’ cash flow putting off potential buyers or preventing you from getting an accurate business valuation.
Before you start the process of valuing your small business, it’s a good idea to get your finances in tip-top condition to ensure you’ve got firm financial foundations. Keeping the following documents, in a safe, easy-to-reach place could help make the process of valuing your business that bit easier:
- Profit and loss statements (at least three years’ worth)
- Tax filings and returns
- Records of purchases
- Licenses, deeds and premises documents
- A regularly updated overview of your business’ finances
- Credit reports
Keep risk to a minimum
As well as investing in business insurance to protect against accidents that could bring your business to an unexpected standstill, there are some simple steps you can take to minimise risk.
For example, it’s a good idea not to solely rely on working regularly with the same clients and customers, as a change in circumstances could bring this working relationship – and the associated income stream to your business – to a sudden end. Instead, having a wide-spanning network of customers and clients can help to minimise risks like this.
Don’t overestimate your business’ value
You’ve worked hard to get your business into the shape it’s in today. However, it’s important that you don’t let your pride in your company cloud your judgement and cause you to overestimate your value – especially as steep asking prices can put off potential buyers and investors.
Keep a sensible head when valuing your business so that you reach a price that’s not only reflective of the hard work you’ve put in, but one that’s accurate and enticing to investors or buyers.
Flex your negotiation skills
Not everything of value can be measured. But when it comes to the value of your small business’ intangible assets, it’s your responsibility to promote their worth to capture the attention of buyers.
For example, if you have a good relationship with customers and suppliers, or have loyal employees, it’s important that you factor these assets into your valuation if you’re selling it on or using it to secure further investment.
Get professional advice
Working out the value of your small business can feel like a huge task. If you’re struggling or finding the whole process overly complicated, it could be a good idea to get in touch with an accountant that specialises in valuation to lend a helping hand rather than working to make things add up on your own.

Know how much your business is worth
We know you’ve put bucketloads of hard work, grit and determination into making your business what it is today. But although there’s not just one sure-fire way to get an accurate understanding of the value of your business, it’s important to know your worth while leaving emotions out of the equation.
You want things to add up on their own merits, and remaining impartial could help prevent you from over or underestimating your business’ worth. Remember, if you’re unsure of how to go about valuing your business, the best step you can take is to reach out for professional help.
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