Whether you just use your car to pop down to the shops or it’s how you get to and from work everyday, it pays to know how many miles you’re racking up. It certainly comes in handy when you’re in the market for a car insurance policy. Knowing your estimated annual mileage will help determine your policy’s cost, so it is essential to have a realistic estimate. Calculating your annual mileage couldn’t be simpler with our mileage calculator. Simply monitor the number of miles you are covering on a typical day and/or week and then use our calculator to find the your annual figure.
Work out your annual mileage
The fast way to find out how far your car goes
The benefits of knowing your mileage
There are several benefits of knowing your car’s mileage. Firstly, knowing your mileage allows you to budget for your yearly fuel costs. Fuel can be expensive, so it can be wise to budget for this to keep your car running throughout the year. You’ll also be able to see if your fuel economy is lowering. Additionally, vehicles with higher annual mileage can be subject to higher premiums, so knowing your average yearly mileage can help you when looking for the best insurance deal.