Entrepreneurs recommend: Inspiration and motivation resources
Apps, books and resources to inspire your small business
It takes a lot to be a successful entrepreneur. You need drive, determination and above all, inspiration to make it work.
But where do entrepreneurs get their inspiration?
We asked real entrepreneurs for the go-to resources they use day to day to help inspire and motivate their small businesses.
From the best motivational books to the top inspirational talks and podcasts, take a look at their recommendations* below.

Podcasts are undergoing something of a revival lately, with more and more influential bloggers and business experts using this platform than ever before. For small businesses and entrepreneurs, podcasts can be a great source of inspiration and motivation, from speakers to get you in the right frame of mind to online tutorials and business advice and general business ideas.
How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Synek
An inspiring talk by Simon Synek about what separates leaders from everyone else, from Apple to Martin Luther King to the Wright Brothers.
View the talk“This talk teaches you to work out why you do something, then how. All great businesses, people and organizations have a powerful purpose. They understand why they do what they do.”
- Gary Smith, Business Consultant
The Gary Smith Partnership | LinkedIn
Seth Godin Startup School
Seth Godin runs through the basics of what you need to do to become a successful startup business.
Listen here“Useful tips to help think about what type of client you’re after, how to position your services and not falling into traps like cutting your prices to try and make short terms sales.”
- Simon Preece, Social Media Consultant
SLP Consulting Ltd | Twitter
TED Talks
Influential speakers give short, powerful and inspiring talks on a wide variety of topics in 18 minutes or less.
More about TED"I listen to Ted Talks and people like Gary Vee and Tony Robbins on a daily basis to motivate and inspire me in my business. They've helped me with widening my mind and creativity. Nothing is impossible."
- Sandip Shembi, Artist
Art by San B | Twitter

Self-help books are nothing new, and for businesses and entrepreneurs in particular, there’s usually section a whole section devoted to business titles at your local bookstore. If you’re an entrepreneur constantly on the go with no time to get lost in a good book, audiobooks are becoming an increasingly popular way to get the motivation you need when you’re on the move.
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
Chet Holmes offers his business management tips: don’t try to master a thousand different business strategies – zero in on the small areas that make the big difference.
More details“Ideas like the ‘100 dream clients’ are great for helping you focus on being more effective at making sales – something I was wary of when I started.”
- Simon Preece, Social Media Consultant
SLP Consulting Ltd | Twitter
Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill
An influential 1937 self-improvement book describing the 16 “laws” to achieving success.
Find out more“The Bible of becoming successful. I live my life by this book. A great place to start from.”
- Sandip Shembi, Artist
Art by San B | Twitter

From booking a taxi to paying a bill, there’s an app for just about everything. And if you’re looking for inspiration and motivation for your business, guess what? There’s an app for that too. Check out the top apps for inspiration as recommended by our entrepreneurs.
“I use Spotify every day to help me get motivated and focus on writing. I tend to listen to chillout, downtempo and ambient playlists to really get in the zone.”
- Derek Howie, Copywriter
Howie Writes | Twitter
An online mood board. Pin your inspiration or practical ideas for personal or business life.
Pinterest“A visual poster board where you can pin sources of inspiration. Invaluable for storing ideas and creative thoughts in a visual manner.”
- Ally Clark, Photographer
Giddy Aunt Photos | Facebook
"It's a strange recommendation for businesses, but it's important to keep fit when you're busy. Strava tracks your steps or pedal strokes and allows you to compare them with everyone else.”
- Gary Smith, Business Consultant
The Gary Smith Partnership | LinkedIn

We’ve all got our go-to sites that we check every day for news, entertainment or social media, and there’s countless websites out there for business advice too. But what sites do our entrepreneurs recommend to help their businesses day in and day out?
Smashing Magazine
Website for designers and developers featuring code examples, latest trends, design and graphics.
Visit Smashing Magazine“This site helps me keep ahead with current trends and keep up to date with the industry.”
- Mark Chambers, Software Developer
Marksy Development Ltd | Twitter
“Wonderful videos to show you all those photoshop tips and techniques that I need in my business. Things I didn’t know and things I knew but had forgotten!”
- Ally Clark, Photographer
Giddy Aunt Photos | Facebook
Fro Knows Photo
YouTube series focusing on photography inspiration and reviews. Fro tests the equipment, gives tips and advices about photography.
View on YouTube"This series helps me to decide on the best equipment purchases for my photography business."
- Natalia Slepokur, Photography
Slepokur Photography | Facebook
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*All recommendations are from third party sources. AXA is not affiliated with any resources mentioned in their article and takes no responsibility for the information provided by third party sources.