How to sell a house

Ready to sell your house? Make sure you’ve got everything sorted with our 14-step guide.

Home buying and selling

1 May 2024

Looking to sell your house? Maybe you’re downsizing after an emptied nest, or upsizing to accommodate new family members. Or maybe you just want to swap city-tarmac for country life. Selling your home is a huge, exciting undertaking, but it does have its stresses.

Our 14-step article will help guide you through the basics. From organising your finances, to choosing the right solicitor, let’s get you prepared.

1. Work out your budget

Before you start to shop for your dream home, it’s good to get a realistic picture of your finances. The criteria for granting a mortgage changes all the time, and you may be entitled to more or less than you’d expect.

Talk to a few banks about what they’re willing to lend, and consider what you’re prepared to borrow. Do you need to set any money aside for the future? Are you hoping to help a child out at university, or plan a wedding? Are you saving for holidays, or renovating your new home? Get clear about your budget now to save you heartache later on. You don’t want to fall in love with the perfect sandstone cottage, only to discover that it’s £20,000 over budget.

2. Give your home some TLC

It might not matter to you how tatty your wallpaper is, but buyers can be an irrational bunch. It’s easier to imagine living somewhere with a bit of polish.

Help your house put its best foot forward with a quick sprucing up. This doesn’t need to be expensive: fresh magnolia paint in the hallway, new cushions for the living room, and maybe a hanging basket or two.

3. Get your property valued

Recent, local sales can give you a good idea of what your house is worth, but bear in mind even identical homes can differ in price. Converted garages, south-facing gardens, and proximity to a noisy railway line could account for a sizable price difference. Speak to a few experts to get a clear view of what your property is worth.

4. Set an asking price

Once you’ve been given a realistic price range, you'll need to set a price. Which end of the spectrum you choose will likely dictate how fast you move.

If you’ve got a minimum sale price in mind, advertise a little higher, knowing a buyer may want to haggle down. 

5. Decide how to sell

Going through an established estate agent is the surest way to avoid risk (and paperwork) - but it isn’t the only way to sell your home.

You might want to privately sell to the neighbour who’s pushed an enquiry through your letterbox. Maybe there's a family member who’s asked for first dibs. However you're selling, make sure you get a decent solicitor on board, and compare the agreed price with an estate agent’s valuation.

If you want a quick sale, an auction, or even an online ‘raffle’, might be your best bet.

6. Get your home brochure-ready

If you’re selling through an estate agent, they’ll likely send out a professional photographer to take snaps. But if you're taking photos yourself, there are some things you might want to consider.

The phots are your home’s chance to shine. If possible, check the forecast before thany photos are taken - sunny gardens are more attractive than soggy ones. You thought think about locking shampoo bottles, children’s toys and crockery away.

If you're using an estate agency, give the floor plans a good look-over when you're sent the proofs. You don’t want to advertise the bedrooms as being on the wrong storey!

7. Get the paperwork sorted

Nobody likes paperwork, but when it comes to selling, there’s no skipping tit. Get those energy certificates ready, and make sure you have property title deeds and proof of identity to hand. You don’t want lost documents to hold you up if you’re faced with an immediate offer!

8. Prepare for viewings

An estate agent will probably do the tours themselves, but you’ll still want to unpeg the clothesline before the viewers come around! If you’re the one hosting, be ready with answers about energy costs, friendly neighbours, and access to fibre broadband.

The buyer will want to picture themselves in your home, so avoid: 'This is where my daughter learned to play piano'. Instead, highlight any features you love most: a sunny spot on the patio, a safe walk to the local school.

9. Hire a solicitor or conveyancer

Just heard yourself say: 'I need to talk to my lawyer'? No, you’re not in an American crime drama – you’re just selling a home. Solicitors are the key cog in the property-selling wheel. A good one can mean the difference between exchanging in three months, or six.

Ask recently-moved friends or family for recommendations, or speak to your lender, mortgage broker, or estate agent.

10. Home not selling?

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, homes don't sell as fast as we'd like. There may be a lull in the market, or you may need to rthink about redecorating. If several months have gone by without an offer, consider lowering the asking price. If there’s still no luck, try a new estate agent.

11. Bidding wars

Is your home hot property? Have you had not one offer, but four? Lucky you – you get your pick of the bunch. However, choosing the right buyer doesn’t mean deciding who’ll get on best with the next-door neighbours.

The safest buters are the ones without a chain. Prioritise first-time buyers, people who have already sold, or anyone prepared to pay in cash. It can be the difference between a fast completion, or no completion at all. 

12. Accepting and negotiating an offer

Like market stalls and bazaars, the property market is known for haggling. If your first offer is 5-10% lower than your asking price, don’t panic. The buyer is expecting you to push back.

Once you’ve reached a figure you’re happy with, take a few day’s breathing space before accepting. It’s a big decision; there’s no rush.

13. Negotiate the draft contract

Once you’ve accepted an offer, it’s time for your solicitor to negotiate the draft contract. You should get a good idea of timescales at this point - when you’ll exchange, when you’ll complete. And if you’re still shopping for your own dream home, you’re now in a great position to make a move.

14. Exchanging and completing the sale

Buyer put down their deposit? Contracts exchanged? With the move now legally-binding, you’re officially free to get excited. Just remember to let your current home insurance provider know about your move.

We hope our guide has taken some of the frazzle out of selling up. Now that you’re (mentally) moving the furniture into your new place, it’s time to think about home insurance. From accidental damage to personal possessions cover, AXA offers full, peace-of-mind protection for you, your home, and your family. Get a home insurance quote today.