2022 AXA Startup Angel Winners
AXA Startup Angel 2022 winners advice

Starting up

13 March 2023

Considering applying for AXA Startup Angel? Get advice from our 2022 winners.

How to set up a Facebook ad campaign

Marketing and brand

6 March 2023

Get set up with Facebook advertising with our step-by-step guide.

Are business partners key to success?

Starting up

3 March 2023

Starting up on your own could be daunting, so is a business partner the key?

Tradesman and AXA Customer, Steve Follard, heading to work
How to become a good tradesman

Growth and strategy

28 February 2023

Learn how to build customer trust with this list of dos and don'ts.

Finding a mentor: what you need to know

Growth and strategy

22 February 2023

Ever thought of finding a business mentor to guide you on your journey?

How to fund a small business

Finance and legal

13 February 2023

In this guide, we’ll cover a load of different funding avenues that you can access when starting up your business.

How to win investment for your business

Growth and strategy

9 February 2023

Pitching is one of the hardest parts of starting a business. Learn how to do it.

How to value your small business: a guide

Finance and legal

31 January 2023

Whether you’re considering selling up or are just curious to see the financial fruits of your labour, here’s AXA’s guide to how to value your business.

A person with Down Syndrome working in a bakery
Disability Inclusion for Small Business

Managing people

23 January 2023

Find out how you can build better businesses practices without breaking the bank.

What is Statutory Sick Pay and how much pay are employees entitled to

Finance and legal

11 January 2023

Understanding statutory sick pay is important for any business, here AXA takes you through the ins and outs to get you up to speed.

How to motivate your sales teams

Managing people

9 January 2023

What’s the best commission structure to get the best out of your sales staff?

A hand reaching up towards several hanging lightbulbs, trying to grasp one.
Handling power cuts as a small business

Safety and insurance

5 January 2023

Being prepared for power outages can help you to continue business as usual.

Tradesman, Steve Hollands, hard at work in his joinery business
Small Business Stories: Steve Hollands

Starting up

30 December 2022

Tradesman Steve talks about running his own carpentry business.

Accounting software
Inflation and Small Businesses

Finance and legal

1 December 2022

Inflation is at an all-time high. How can small businesses handle it?

Steve, AXA Customer and tradesman, hard at work calculating his allowable expenses.
Trades Allowable Expenses

Finance and legal

29 November 2022

Don't pay more tax than you have to. Find out what expenses you can write off as a tradesperson.