36 charities across six regions up and down the country will each benefit from £2,000 to support them during these challenging times.
The community grant scheme is a yearly initiative where our employees nominate local charities, they would like to receive a donation. The charities are then put to a vote by our employees. This year 36 charities, six charities from six regions, all received a £2,000 donation. Right now, it’s even more important to support those local charities that are really struggling during the lockdown yet are seeing more demand on their services. The money will help support the increased pressures, pay bills were fund raising is limited and help to invest in the new technologies needed to continue to service the communities through social distancing measures.

A handful of the charities benefitting from the AXA Community Grant Scheme 2020 include: the Ipswich soup kitchen, the Tunbridge Wells Samaritans, the Helping Hands foodbank in the Midlands, St John’s Hospice in Morecambe, Women’s Aid in Bristol, and the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.